Let's palabea about Design, ilustração, tipografia, moda e artes visuais.
Let's palabea about The subject can be open, but is better for me education or simply to talk.
Let's palabea about Aprender de otros países y culturas
Let's palabea about تعلم اللغه الايطاليه
Let's palabea about Life, Sports, Education, Traveling, Food, Family, Culture and much more!
Let's palabea about culture, languages, travel, cuisine, books, word games, misconceptions ab yr lan
Let's palabea about I don't mind the topic, I just want to improve my English level.
Let's palabea about Want improve spanish??? I want to learn any language.
Let's palabea about lifestyle in France
Let's palabea about Sono qui per imparare meglio l'inglese
Let's palabea about Do you live in Brest in France??
Let's palabea about I'd like to contact people who speak English.
Let's palabea about disponibile a dialogare in italiano o per messaggio
Let's palabea about ciao, sono di madrelingua italiana e voglio migliorare il mio inglese
Let's palabea about I would likely to speak about anything.... But should be in english
Let's palabea about We can talk about everything
Let's palabea about j'aimerais parlé de tout
Let's palabea about Ofrezco ingles, aleman y farsi y quería hablar español!
Let's palabea about me gusta aprender de otras culturas del mundo y sobre todo de America del sur
Let's palabea about i would like to improve my english