Palabea User Protection Policy
At Palabea user information is always kept private and secure. Users can choose to remain anonymous, even when booking or offering a Palabea.
Palabea will do its best to protect users against misbehavior. We invest a lot of effort in making sure that untrusted people stay away from Palabea.
Publishing adult, illegal, rude, abusive, improper, copyright protected, promotional, spam, violent, nonsense or any uncool stuff is strictly prohibited. Palabea reserves the right to put any account on hold or permanently cancel accounts due to misbehavior. Users with accounts on hold will not be able to offer or book a Palabea.
Palabea provides customer support services to assist you with account issues, bookings and any type of problem with the site. Our team of moderators constantly monitor and clean Palabea, removing poor quality and improper content, spammers and other wrong doers.
All subject to our Terms of Use
Guidelines for dealing with other Palabea Users
Palabea allows you to
- get to know people all over the world
- exchange ideas and information with other users via videochat
- leave comments on their product sites
- send personal messages
- rate learning partners
- monetize your knowledge
For this to work and to allow everyone to benefit from the experience, please observe a few rules:
Be friendly and respectful:
Don't forget: Behind every Palabea username is a real person with feelings. Opinions, convictions and attitudes differ. Respect this and don't start arguments! Defamatory statements, insults, harassment, personal attacks and insinuations are bad form and will be deleted.
Be supportive:
We all want to make things better. Good tips and suggestions among Palabea users are very welcome. We don't like non-constructive criticism. Provocative statements and contributions by moaners and killjoys will be deleted from our site.
Stay discreet:
Don't release any personal data -- yours or anyone else's. Don't publish any messages or e-mails that you've received from other people either.
Be honest:
Don't pass off other people's words or pictures as your own. This applies to comments, product descriptions and all other content you might release on the Palabea website.
We reserve the right to block or delete your listing (in full or in part), without prior notice, if we find concrete evidence of a breach of these guidelines. Recurring or serious violations could result in exclusion from trading on Palabea.